Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feeling Peaceful in my Heart

I can't really explain it but I truly do feel very peaceful and unstressed about the whole adoption process. My new "Zen" perspective on everything has just manifested in the last month or so. We've been through so much, and seen other people go through far worse(ahem...CBC fiasco, Imagine etc) that I just have realized that stressing about it doesn't make it happen faster. When I stop and look around at my life I am very blessed: great husband, great family, good job, all things that I never thought I would have. The adoption WILL happen, when it is meant to, and I am trusting in that, and it feels good!


Carolyn said...

I am very impressed with this new attitude! I think that positive attitude will get you through a lot.


Ranavan said...

I love your new "Zen" will carry you thru to the end for sure :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your attitude. LOVE IT!!


Colleen and JF Bertrand said...

What a wonderful attitude! I am certainly hoping for sooner rather than later for you though!

Brendan and Mary said...

Hello there! My husband and I were planning on adopting from Ghana with Imagine and I was stressed for quite a few months. I'm also trying to take just take a deep breath and enjoy all of my blessings TODAY as well.

Not that my "Zen" will last til the end, but the last couple of months have been nice!

Your new home is beautiful, by the way! Good for you for enjoying everything!!
