Friday, December 4, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust and ZUMBA!!!!

Months that is. We've hit 17 finally. I can remember when our DTC was first sent out that some people were FREAKING OUT because they had hit 17 months and hadn't had a referral yet, now its pretty much the norm to expect to wait 24 months, its funny what a person can get used to. I REFUSE to let myself be depressed about this at Christmas time. I have a Christmas concert to put on, dancing lessons to prep for, and am truly blessed in many ways...

So in the spirit of being positive let me tell you about my own NEW PERSONAL PASSION. You may have heard of it: ZUMBA!!!

I LOVE ZUMBA. I love it so much I went out and got certified to teach it! And I am going back in February for another level of certification. Now you have to imagine that I am NOT a size 2, 4,6,8,10, 12,14,16....oh yeah just keep going. So there I am in this class full of petite personal trainers all taking this training, and then me. THANK GOODNESS for my dance background- i was able to pull it off! In fact, I found out that just being a personal trainer does NOT mean that you know how to dance at all!!! Thank you to all the lovely latino men that taught me how to dance when I lived in Arizona..... yum uh I mean....that was great.

And, since I have been practicing so hard at getting my Zumba materials perfected (I start teaching a class in January) I have lost almost 20 pounds!!!! Now doesn't that make a girl happy?


Ranavan said...

Can I just say how much I love your positivity!!! I always know when I read one of your blog posts it will be an uplifting one.

And Zumba....I am intrigued!! I am off to google it!

Happy 17 months and Happy Holidays too :)

Melissa said...

I love Zumba! Can you make me a video so I can practice in the safety of my own home? Classes down here are really expensive. It's all the rage with all the lovely Latina's down here!

Have a Merry Christmas, Steph!

Love Ya!


Anonymous said...

Zumba..I thought that was the robot vacuum...wait that's roomba, I think. Anyway congrats on your dance moves and hitting #17!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Zumba is, but it sounds like fun.

I also love your attitude.


Anonymous said...

hee hee, I was thinking the same thing as Rhonda. As someone who can neither dance nor do aerobics, I have a feeling it is not going to be for me based on your post, but yay for finding something you are so excited about!