Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Golden Onion

I learned some great lessons from having my niece and nephew visiting. The fancy toys that cost a tonne of money? Not nearly as interesting as... wait for it... THE GOLDEN ONION!!! Oh yeah. Not only can it be taken outside and used to hide fabulous treasures like pinecones and bugs- but with a quick rinse at the hose (and then later by auntie with soap) it magically turns into a FABULOUS tub toy! The Golden Onion can scoop and pour water, lock water inside that won't leak out...the list of wonders is amazing!!! Hehehe, who woulda guessed?


shaunak said...

and the even better news is that they also come in purple (I got one in my Xmas stocking)!

Ramona said...

Ok- I'm a bit behind here- what exactly is the golden onion and the purple onion?? What am I missing out on?? And what are my kids missing out on?!


Stephanie said...

These are little kitchen doodads that you can put your cut up onion in the fridge to store so they don't stink everything up in the fridge. For whatever reason, my nephew thought it was a great toy.

Ramona said...

Ahhh.... Now I get it. And all the best with the post above. It can be hard to be motivated while you wait! But keep those arms strong- you'll be carrying your boy yet!!!