Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day One of Blog

Cheers to my first post on my first blog!

What am I gonna do with this blog? Well, I wanted a place to share my upcoming adoption experience, my love of belly dancing, and my quest to keep my curves while cutting the fat (I love being curvy, but don't love being unhealthy-surely there is some middle ground somewhere!). That being said, I am beginning two personal fitness challenges. First, to become a runner. I want to work up to a 10K. Secondly, I am going to take the 100 Push-Up Challenge.

Day One July 22, 2008
Running goal: 4 Minute walk, 1 Minute Run repeat sequence 6 times

Day One push ups
*I have to do modified knee push-ups at this point.
Goal: 5 rest 7 rest 10

Wish me luck!


MissyL said...

Go Steph!
This is great. Now I can keep in touch with you better! I will let you know when I join you with the 100 push ups. I definitely need them.

Julie said...

Of course you can link to my post. Thanks for reading.

Ricki said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!! I am going to link yours on mine. I look forward to following along on your journey.