Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goodbye Las Vegas

DH and I have been planning a fun March trip to Vegas as a way to celebrate being DINK-WAD's (Double Income No Kids- With a Dog). We thought that instead of moping around wondering when a referral might happen that we would really concentrate on enjoying the NOW. So much for that idea.

As always the DH work place has a way of messing with our plans and now my DH will be away for a few months at that time. Or maybe he won't, oh wait- no he will, no sorry work can't make up their minds if he's going or not. ARGH!

I am determined to focus on enjoying the NOW. The martini party on Friday was a great way to follow through on this resolution!

Another resolution- learning how to say "No" to people. I seriously SUCK at this. Which explains why I am the frazzled mess that I am this week. Working (60+ hrs/wk), teaching belly dance, performing, planning a Remembrance Day celebration for work, committees, tech rep, learning groups the list goes on- why is it so hard to say no?

Anyone out there ever found a cure for this?

1 comment:

The Turgeon Expansion said...

Darn life, it always gets in the way of plans! As for the saying no tips, I'm an Oprah watcher and she says you should be able to say no thank you and not have to give a reason and people should be able to accept that. Whether it works in all situations is debatable!