Friday, September 5, 2008

Time Flies When You Go Back To Work

I love my job. Honestly it was such a relief to go back to work this week. I was able to forget about adoption worries for extended periods of time. It's really hard to worry about that stuff when you are trapped in a room with 20 Grade 4's all day long!

Just for fun, and because I want to get to know people (fellow bloggers) better I am going to post a couple of questions here. I look forward to reading what you have to say! That is if you choose to respond....ooohhhh I'm having flashbacks to my Jr. High birthday party where no one showed up because I had pissed off the popular girl in school. I am an adult, I can handle this. Gosh I hope someone responds! ;)

1. What was the happiest moment of your life?
2. When in life have you felt most alone?
3. How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?

My answers:

1. My happiest moment, probably the day after my wedding. All the fuss was over and I could just enjoy my new journey in life.

2. That Jr. high party comes to mind...

3. I never thought I would get married or be a mom. I had planned on being an independent purple haired old lady in pink high tops cruising the world in the Peace Corps.



Melissa said...

Well, I don't know if I have even commented before on your blog, or if I have just been lurking, but here are my answers:
1. What was the happiest moment of your life? When my boy Jonah teases and we laugh good eye-watering belly laughs.
2. When in life have you felt most alone? When I found out I was going to be a single mother, and I was afraid to tell my family. I didn't have anyone to talk to.
3. How has your life been different than what you’d imagined? I really thought I'd travel the globe and then get married. I've traveled only a bit and well... I'm not holding my breath on the husband front. I also thought I'd be living in the rolling boreal forest land in western Alberta, and I find myself in the very flat, treeless prairies instead!

;) said...

You post such hard questions! Where are the ones about your favourite colour

Let me see...
1. What was the happiest moment of your life?
I think that is going to be the day we get our referral.
2. When in life have you felt most alone?
Flying to a strange city, for training for a job I just accepted and knowing very little about it. It was a huge leap of faith and something that I could not take my husband along for. It was the first time we had spent more than 2 days apart.
3. How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
Well, I never thought that we would experience infertility and that we would be married for 14 years and not have children yet.

And not that you asked...but my favourite colour is PINK!


Ricki said...

1.The happiest day in my life was the day we received our proposal for Yonnas!!
2.I felt most alone during/after my first miscarriage and then during the following year and a half while I was struggling to get pregnant again.
3.I never imagined my road to motherhood would be be this difficult or long.


Ranavan said...

1. The happiest day of my life to date was the day I got married. I had waited for a long time for the guy and he finally came along. The next best day will be the day we get our referral.

2. When I moved into my first apartment with no roommate...just me. After everyone left, it was just me and a bunch of boxes. I got two cats shortly after moving in and I still have them. They are 10 years old...sheesh time flies!

3. I thought I would be living in a much bigger Vancouver...not the same city I was raised in. I also thought I would have at least one baby by now...funny how life plays tricks on you like that. Oh and I thought life would much easier when I was an adult.....ha ha ha ha...I was so naive when I was a teenager.

and right now my favourite color is brown...just following Shannon's lead ;)

Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

OK, I'll play too.

1. What was the happiest moment of my life? No question - the day we got the call about our daughter Sara.
2. When in life have I felt most alone? When I quit a job a few years back because I worked for a real ass and finally had enough.
3. How has life been different...? I had my life planned out at the age of 16 - married by 23, kid #1 at 24, kid #2 at 25 - young hip mom too. How life plays with us - Well, I got close to the 23 married mark (I was 25), but the kid thing, well I am certianly speaking to the right crowd when I say that life took a bit of a turn somewhere along the way! - however, I would not change one thing!

Cheers, Laura