A lovely friend of mine made a trip to India and brought this elephant back for our future babe. I thought it was prophetic as elephants also have a two year gestation period (well 22 mos).
I became addicted to http://www.cuteoverload.com/, seeing these photos never failed to bring a smile to my face!
My mother-in-law came for a visit. We had such a great day! I can't believe we got her into the paddle boat!
We took her Mini Golfing for the first time. We laughed till our sides hurt!
I crocheted 4 baby blankets (I was obviously not dealing well with this much time on my hands). I have a lot of pregnant family and friends. While I no longer want to poke their eyes out with forks (I went through an angry/ jealous phase when we first were dealing with infertility) it is still sometimes frustrating to listen to them complain about being pregnant, chasing after kids, how hard it is to lose their shape yadda yadda. Seriously, do you realize who you are talking too?
This one is for my niece, due in November. This last one I am keeping for my own angel. The rest will be gifts for family and friends.
My personal favorite...at least you can drink while you are pregnant. I wanted to break the forks out often! Good to be over it! LOVE your blankets, what a wonderful present!!!!!
I hear you about all the preggers whining about kids, pregnancy etc... blah, blah, blah is all I hear on my bad days (still). Good for you for making the blankets, awesome gifts and a great time/emotion healer!
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