Thursday, June 4, 2009

Double Anniversaries!

Yep, we hit the 11 month mark and our 5th Wedding Anniversary can you believe it? I love him more now than the day we married, which I didn't think was possible. I guess with all that we have been through together it has really helped us to appreciate each other. So, in the spirit of appreciation I decided to list 5 things I love about my DH:

1. He never complains about how messy I am even though he likes things neat.
2. He supports me in every new endeavor-and usually believes in me more than I do!
3. He reads Barbie stories in a Yoda voice to the little nieces in our life.
4. He is willing to workout with me every night and keeps me going even when I want to quit.
5. He is always kind to my friends and doesn't mind being the only guy in the group!


Carolyn said...

Happy Anniversaries!!! Hope that you can celebrate with each other- sounds like you have a great hubby!


The Turgeon Expansion said...

Happy Double Whammy Anniversary!!