Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Call-Long POST!!!

First, thank you to all the well wishers. Bart and I enjoyed reading the comments-it just keeps that referral high going!

Second, because I know everyone is waiting with baited breath for details here are the vitals: We love his name- Biyadegelegn, he is 3 months old-will be 4 months pretty soon, healthy, beautiful big brown eyes with lonnnnnng eyelashes, long skinny fingers (piano player fingers perhaps???) and already the biggest joy in my life. I carry his picture everywhere with me just to remember that this is real. I also practice saying his name a lot- it pretty well rolls off the tongue now but it took some practice. I would love to know if anyone has heard it before or knows its meaning as I have been unable to find it referenced anywhere.

Third-The Call!!!!
I was at work when the school secretary buzzed my room and asked if I wanted to take a phone call. (I almost said "take a message" but it was close to recess so decided just to go for it and let my student teacher handle the kiddos.) I get down to the staff room and answer the phone. When I realized it was CAFAC calling my first thought was that there was a problem with the money order I had sent (which there was)and that's how the conversation began. I HAD NO CLUE PEOPLE. Then J. started asking when Bart and I would be getting home etc and I still DIDN'T CLUE IN. Meanwhile the staff room is filling up with people on their break. I asked if there was something wrong with the paperwork that was delaying us and if that was why she wanted us together and she says-"No, Steph....but can you handle getting good news at work today?" well I starting sobbing and stutter out "is this THE CALL" and it was!!! I think I said something like "I just want to know if its a boy or girl and how old!" which led to a funny conversation where she told me he was three months and I kept trying to convince her that she must have read the paperwork wrong because he should be three years old(ok I was a bit hysterical and we never allowed ourselves to imagine that we would be referred an infant).

Of course the staff room was dead silent as people tried to figure out why I was sobbing like a freak. I then told J. that I would have to find Bart because he had the day and was running around town doing "Manly things". But that We would call her as soon as we came home. I hung up, shouted "I'm a MOMMY" to the room in general and was then tackled and hugged to death by my wonderful co-workers who have supported me through the whole process. A whole lot more crying ensued.

I couldn't track down THAT MAN anywhere! He doesn't beleive in carrying a cell phone so you can imagine how that went. Finally I called my girlfriend and asked her to check our haouse bacause I knew that if he was outside working on the yard he wouldn't hear the phone. She also had instructions to lie to him tell him I was sick and come pick me up at the school. Which is exactly how that all played out.

About twenty minutes later he pulled up in the car and I walked out of the school holding a big sign that said "IT"S A BOY!". His first thought? "If she bought a puppy she is in so much trouble" (does this tell you how little we were expecting this call?) Then he sees the tears streaming down my face and finally catches on, forgets to put the car into park as he tries to get out, fumbles the car into park and then BIG hug time. Bart can't actually cry (side effect of a long ago surgery) but believe me he was that emotional.

We raced home, called the agency, and saw our sons' face for the first time. We immediately knew he was ours. Now we jsut need to figure out what comes next, and pray that it goes smoothly waiting for and passing our court date.


Carolyn said...

I have goose bumps from reading your post and there are tears in my eyes! Congrats on the wonderful news! How lucky to be referred such a young baby!


Curly Mama said...

Congratulations. I am very very happy for you. Such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing.


Brendan and Mary said...

What a beautiful story! Congratulations!


emily said...

this brings tears to my eyes! So exciting.

I love how you weren't expecting the call at all or that he'd be so young!!!

Mrs. Frugal said...

Yes!!! I am cheering for you three! What an amazing story!

Allison said...

Huge congratulations to you both!!!! Very excited for you and hope court and visa's go quickly.

Connie said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! Isn't it the best when you weren't expecting it at all! And it's so awesome that your little boy is so young, and that you'll get to experience most of his life! Our boy was 2 months old at referral and we didn't expect him to be quite that young. I am so glad that we have pictures and info from practically the beginning of his life.

hazel said...

OMG!! This is such fantastic news!! FINALLY, the post I've been waiting for. Congratulations to you both. I am so happy for you :-)

Jennifer said...

you had me in tears here! So fantastic!