Saturday, May 22, 2010

Woohoo a Court Date!

Mark it on your calendar June 8th is the big day! Rationally I know that most folks don't make it through on their first court date...sometimes not even second, third, fourth etc. I can't allow myself to be negative about it though. I am trying to ride that fine line of cautious optimism and we JUST MIGHT get that lucky. At the same time trying to be realistic so that we don't have the tremendous letdown if things go awry.

It looks as though we slipped in just under the deadline and will not be having to attend court in Ethiopia. I am of two minds about this. Initially the extra cost caused a minor panic in our household...but we came up with solutions and have tremendous support in our community so we knew that we could handle it. Then I started to get excited about the idea of getting to see Little Bear sooner, the chance to hold him and love on him would be worth anything to me. So now I don't get to...kinda sad about that.

But, holy smokes people that court date is only 17 days away!!!!!! I was anticipating a July or August court date initially so I feel like I have won the lottery in that respect.


Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

Great news!

Ramona said...

Wow! What a gift to squeak in and to get a date in June!! We just celebrated our 1 year since getting our referral- so glad we are finally all home and together. One day coming you'll be posting photos of your little boy- come on court date!


Ranavan said...

Congrats two fold!!!!

A quick court date and only travelling once :)

Anonymous said...

Freaking awesome!!! Wow, H is double timing for you guys, great news. Fingers and toes crossed for a #1 and only date :)

Connie said...

Here's hoping you pass on the first court date!

Curly Mama said...

I am so so so happy for you!
That is wonderful.

Mrs. Frugal said...

We made it on the first round and so will you! And no matter what, you will get through before courts close! Good for you!

Sharla said...

We were the exception to the rule and passed on our first court date so it does occasionally happen but either way, the bal is rolling. You are one step closer to bringing your son home!

Janice said...

I saw your comment on Laura's blog and came straight here to check out the details (Better late than never I guess). It has been a while since I've checked in here and I totally missed out on the news. Your referral came three days after ours. I love your referral story, it brought tears to my eyes. I so hope you are successful on June 8th. I'll be checking in to find out.
Enjoy staring at his photos and lets hope you get more soon.
